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Welcome to Middle Earth
 New Zealand:

When JRR Tolkien created Middle-Earth little did he know the magical landscapes of his imagination actually existed, here in New Zealand, 12,000 miles away from his homeland.

Lord of the RingsLord of the RingsLord of the Rings Lord of the Rings - QueenstownMiddle Earth - New ZealandMiddle EarthMiddle Earth - QueenstownMiddle Earth Middle EarthMiddle Earth New ZealandMiddle Earth

  It took Peter Jackson 10 years and millions of dollars to bring The Lord of the Rings to life on the big screen. Nomad Safaris here in Queenstown have been taking people there every day for the past 16 years. Indeed, when David Gatward-Ferguson, owner of Nomad Safaris, first gazed across Skippers Canyon all those years ago, he instantly felt he was looking at 'The Road to Mordor'.

Many of the areas that a Nomad Safaris tour visits provide the spectacular backdrops to much of the action in Peter Jackson's 'The Fellowship of the Ring'; The Ford at Bruinen, The Misty Mountains, Isengard and Lothlorien, better know locally as Skippers Canyon, Macetown and Paradise, to name a few.

Destination Queenstown logo4WD actionNomad safari vehiclesViewing Lord of the Rings sites

Join a 4WD Nomad Safari on a special adventure tailored to include some of the locations used for significant scenes in the film, or take a scheduled tour that includes a taste of those sights. Prepare to be amazed.

Nomad Safaris operate 4WD tours into the heart of New Zealand high country : the embodiment of the Middle-Earth of Tolkien¹s imagination. The 'Safari of the Rings' tour is a scenic charter that gives a spectacular look at the diversity of the scenery in the area.

It is based around several of the specific sites where filming took place. These are real places; there are no film sets; they are areas of outstanding natural beauty that need no enhancement. Here it is possible to experience the magical atmosphere captured in the film.

Qualmark logoLake Vista booking staff highly recommend this company as they are Qualmark rated and all tour bookings for Nomad Safaris' can be made for you.
